Inilah duniaku yang sebenar selepas bergelar PENANAM ANGGUR!
Semua games kat FACEBOOK aku nak try...tu pun banyak lagi yang aku tahan nafsu untuk mencuba..huahuahua
Inilah antara perkara-perkara yang akan aku lakukan setelah aku siapkan selesaikan hampir semua tugasanku sebagaiBIBIK PENANAM ANGGUR BERKELULUSAN SARJANA MUDA ecececeh..*baru degree je..orang lain dh ada masters pun tak kecoh..aduyai~
Kita mulakan pengenalan aktiviti seharianku dengan my very first game on FACEBOOK..!
BARN BUDDYaka better than FARMVILLE hehe..
Barn Buddy ni game yang main tanam-tanam then boleh pulak curi other's plant/crops..tu yang best tu..once orang tu lambat harvest their crops, others can steal them hehe..
can u see that dog with its food bowl?
okay!once that dog's bowl is full, others cannot steal his/her crops or else they will be bitten by the dog and you will get some coins from the PENCURIK!..
that is why the dog is sooooo important sampaikan I had to logged on to my BF's account and accept the game even though he will not for sure playing thisstupid game hehehe~
dalam game Barn Buddy ni pun you'all can have your own pet ataupun ternakan to gain some extra coins&exp..exp/experience ni untuk you'll bergerak pantas menuju ke level yang seterusnya...ada juga jualbabi kerbau pendek tapi tobat la I nak bli..yekk..yekk
ok guys..enough for Barn Buddy's we move on to my next game (^_-)
CAFE WORLD aka orang muka bersegi *bak kata ASYU
presenting my CAFE ikut creativity my cracking head!
tak kisah la bersegi ke bulat ke heksagon ke janji game ni boleh tahan juga bestnye..yang paling tak tahannya, first ranking dalam my friends' list yang main ialah seorang laki-laki..aduyai memang takleh blah huhu
game ni senang je..masak then serve to the certain level kita boleh hire anybody from our friendlist untuk berkhidmat as a waiter/waitress..
then if ada lebih coins kita boleh beli something and deko.deko.deko cafe kita ikut creativity kepala otak kita..simple dimplepimple opss!
until here for Cafe World..
SEXY CITYtak la sexy mana pun
game ni la yang paling bosan first was struggling gila punya just nak challenge with ASYU but then i managed to beat her hahaha
*maybe just because she's too busy with her wedding preparation..nasib baik dia busy ngehehe
game ni bukan macam ni at first stage..kena jawab trivia pasal entertainment, artists, actors and so on by using several cups of coffee according to which trivia that you chose..
after facing so many levels before, barulah I managed to get this kind of stage yang mana you need to click on the boxes above then you'll get either cash @ extra cup of coffee @ have fun with friends @ answering some trivia Qs @ go dating @ else nothing!
from there you'll get your stars that can higher up your level..
macam tu je game Sexy City ni..for boys out there, you might feel that this is such a stupid cupid game..and I might agree with that (~_^)..
okay next please!..
HAPPY AQUARIUM..takla happy mana pun~
My FIRST tank..wheee~
here we go my SECOND tank~
and the very THIRD tank..more tank to go soooooooonn (^_^)v
HAPPY AQUARIUM.takla seindah namanya but i feel HAPPY when I see all the fishes swim here and there...*erkk fish swim kn?*ahh belasah jela...HAPPY too bile dapat deko.deko.deko
and the HAPPIEST thing is bila kita bolehnikahkan kahwinkan these fishes to get a new baby born fish (^_^)
to get to the next level kena gain more experiences by cleaning up our tank plus helping others cleaning their tanks as well..the more tank you clean the more exp you'll get..
bukan tu feeding your fishes pun boleh gain experience tapi tak boleh la nak feed your friends' fishes sebab if ikan kau dah banyak memang tak larat gak nak beli fish food haha
gile kebulor kot ikan-ikan nih~
to get more coins senang je..go to friends' tank and steal some of their coins..haha but not everyone's coins..ada juga friends yang dah hide their chest (tempat letak coins)..same goes to me..tak perlu kot buat amal jariah hehehehe
LAST.LAST.LAST but not least...
game ni boleh tahan gak bosannya..tapi just because nak challenge with someone, I have to do all the jobs sebab nak naikkan jobs and go fighting, then you'll get the chance to increase your level up!..senang jerrrr~
then boleh beli armor+weapon+vehicles and so boleh declare war with friends..that's all about Mafia Wars..
motif: habiskan masa anda yang bersepah ini dengan FACEBOOK!
Semua games kat FACEBOOK aku nak try...tu pun banyak lagi yang aku tahan nafsu untuk mencuba..huahuahua
Inilah antara perkara-perkara yang akan aku lakukan setelah aku siapkan selesaikan hampir semua tugasanku sebagai
Kita mulakan pengenalan aktiviti seharianku dengan my very first game on FACEBOOK..!
can u see that dog with its food bowl?
okay!once that dog's bowl is full, others cannot steal his/her crops or else they will be bitten by the dog and you will get some coins from the PENCURIK!..
that is why the dog is sooooo important sampaikan I had to logged on to my BF's account and accept the game even though he will not for sure playing this
dalam game Barn Buddy ni pun you'all can have your own pet ataupun ternakan to gain some extra coins&exp..exp/experience ni untuk you'll bergerak pantas menuju ke level yang seterusnya...ada juga jual
ok guys..enough for Barn Buddy's we move on to my next game (^_-)
CAFE WORLD aka orang muka bersegi *bak kata ASYU
presenting my CAFE ikut creativity my cracking head!
game ni senang je..masak then serve to the certain level kita boleh hire anybody from our friendlist untuk berkhidmat as a waiter/waitress..
then if ada lebih coins kita boleh beli something and deko.deko.deko cafe kita ikut creativity kepala otak kita..simple dimple
until here for Cafe World..
*maybe just because she's too busy with her wedding preparation..nasib baik dia busy ngehehe
game ni bukan macam ni at first stage..kena jawab trivia pasal entertainment, artists, actors and so on by using several cups of coffee according to which trivia that you chose..
after facing so many levels before, barulah I managed to get this kind of stage yang mana you need to click on the boxes above then you'll get either cash @ extra cup of coffee @ have fun with friends @ answering some trivia Qs @ go dating @ else nothing!
from there you'll get your stars that can higher up your level..
macam tu je game Sexy City ni..for boys out there, you might feel that this is such a stupid cupid game..and I might agree with that (~_^)..
okay next please!..
HAPPY AQUARIUM.takla seindah namanya but i feel HAPPY when I see all the fishes swim here and there...*erkk fish swim kn?*ahh belasah jela...HAPPY too bile dapat deko.deko.deko
and the HAPPIEST thing is bila kita boleh
to get to the next level kena gain more experiences by cleaning up our tank plus helping others cleaning their tanks as well..the more tank you clean the more exp you'll get..
bukan tu feeding your fishes pun boleh gain experience tapi tak boleh la nak feed your friends' fishes sebab if ikan kau dah banyak memang tak larat gak nak beli fish food haha
gile kebulor kot ikan-ikan nih~
to get more coins senang je..go to friends' tank and steal some of their coins..haha but not everyone's coins..ada juga friends yang dah hide their chest (tempat letak coins)..same goes to me..
LAST.LAST.LAST but not least...
then boleh beli armor+weapon+vehicles and so boleh declare war with friends..that's all about Mafia Wars..
motif: habiskan masa anda yang bersepah ini dengan FACEBOOK!
heee game2 ni mmg buat org tak keruan betul lah :D tak ngadap sehari, sure risau kan..duk pikir apela jadi kat restoran aku, kat tanaman aku :D
ReplyDeletetau xpe..sbb games ni la nk g bercuti pun rase serba salah haha!penangan FB giler betul
ReplyDeleteaku pun! wpun kje still gila game iaitu MW, CW dan Aquarium huhuhu...
ReplyDeletetau xpe nurul!mmg giler dh if start men bende2 alah ni..if xstat lg better don!hahaha!tp kdg2 rase mcm bley releasekan tension jap
ReplyDeletetry Country Life.. best!!
men cne ek?